Watch US Indices for Clues After a Tentative Start to the Week

Watch US Indices for Clues After a Tentative Start to the Week

This Early Morning Trade Plan session is designed to prepare you for today’s high probability trading opportunities prior to the European Open. Become a Member today and join us live by accessing this session in your Members Area. In this video, we advise you to watch US Indices for clues after a tentative start to the week.

Okay, so the big question worldwide amongst traders and investors is, where do these markets move from here? With many headwinds in the pipeline, will we see new all-time highs in the Indices or will those headwinds prove undeniable leading to another leg to the downside? Answers to these questions depend on which side of the fence you prefer to sit on with increasingly more and more actually choosing to sit on the fence itself.

You can see this in markets like S&P 500 and EURUSD with volatility cut in half compared to what we were seeing just 2/3 weeks ago. What does mean for us? It means we need to stay nimble, maintain discipline with our capital and remain consistent in our approach. If prices push higher, we want to be buyers. If prices push lower, we want to be selling. It’s that simple. This is the harsh reality of these markets at the moment.

Watch US Indices for Clues After a Tentative Start to the Week – Full Video Analysis

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