Limited Follow-Through Post-Dovish FOMC

Limited Follow-Through Post-Dovish FOMC

Our Urgent Market Update Video reviews important real-time market developments and their impact on high-probability trading opportunities. Today, we discuss the recent limited follow-through post-extremely dovish FOMC which is a bit surprising. We explain why this is happening but more importantly, we look at where we go from here.

As you are probably aware, last Wednesday the FED adopted an extremely dovish approach to US interest rates, meaning there is now an expectation that the FED will make as many as three rate hikes in 2024 as opposed to the previous expectation of only one rate reduction. This only gave the markets a further green light to continue to pile into US Equities as supported by lowering US Bond Yields. Why did the FED need to take this stance? Rates will come down if either inflation is finished and victory on inflation can be declared (which is kind of what the FED are saying) or rates will come down if a slightly stronger recession is on its way.

As day traders, we are positioning ourselves for potentially both potential outcomes. If the narrative remains bullish we can buy but if the narrative starts to turn bearish because the markets have overshot the runway then we think there will be some fantastic opportunities to the downside. Either way, we will be looking very carefully for the necessary trigger point to begin to engage. An exciting end to the year awaits!

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