Lack of Clarity Due To Erratic Fundamentals

Lack of Clarity Due To Erratic Fundamentals

In our Daily Trade Watch video, we look for high probability trade setups that we can trade throughout the day. Today, we take a close look at recent market conditions which are causing a lack of clarity due to erratic fundamentals. We will also be discussing the reasons why we are currently seeing the price action we are experiencing.

We are currently experiencing daily changes in market sentiment towards the US stimulus bill, back and forth negotiation regarding a trade deal between the UK and EU. Additionally, we have constant evolving concerns regarding COVID-19 restrictions across the western world. The erratic nature of the fundamentals effectively means that markets are not being traded with any real conviction. As a result, it is up to us, as traders, to take the precautions necessary to get through this turbulent time.

Some of the risk management approaches you can adopt may include reducing trade frequency, reducing trade size or perhaps consider using bigger stop losses. Just be mindful that the conditions we are experiencing right now will not last. As we know, all trends start from consolidation so that is worth considering at this time.

Lack of Clarity Due To Erratic Fundamentals – Full Video Analysis

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