Stick with the Profitable Gold and Oil Trades

In this Daily Trade Watch report, we look for high probability trade setups that we can trade throughout the day. Today, we stick with the profitable Gold and Oil trades. These were the only two significant moves during the European and US trading hours. Yes, we saw big moves in the NZDUSD and AUSUSD during…
Good Technical Opportunities in Gold and Oil

In this Daily Trade Watch report, we look for high probability trade setups that we can trade throughout the day. Today, we discuss some good technical opportunities in Gold and Oil. It is no surprise that we have seen the Gold market strengthen bearing in mind the turmoil that has been caused by recent geopolitical…
Trade War Tensions Take a Turn for the Worst

In this Daily Trade Watch report, we look for high probability trade setups that we can trade throughout the day. Today, we look on as trade war tensions take a turn for the worst. As a result, we have seen the markets enter a strong risk-off phase with a considerable flight to safety. We can…
Trade War Takes Centre Stage Again

In this Daily Trade Watch report, we look for high probability trade setups that we can trade throughout the day. Today, we look on as the trade war takes centre stage again between the US and China. It was agreed during the G20 last month that both sides would get together and make some sort…
The Aftermath of the FOMC

In this Daily Trade Watch report, we look for high probability trade setups that we can trade throughout the day. Today, we take a proactive look at the aftermath of the FOMC. Last night, it was decided that interest rates were to be reduced by 25 basis points. This was very much anticipated, but still,…