Which Narrative Wins Out as Markets Await US Inflation Numbers?

Our Urgent Market Update Video is designed to prepare you for the day’s high-probability trading opportunities. Today, we look at which narrative regarding US inflation is likely to win out when we get January’s US CPI numbers (due out tomorrow).

The two narratives on the surface are easy to get your head around. If tomorrow’s US CPI numbers come in line with the expected 6.5% or lower then we can expect a positive reaction from these markets. Overall, we are anticipating US Indices higher, USD lower and Gold higher. This is because the markets will expect the FED to hold off from moving aggressively higher or perhaps pivot on rate hikes and start lowering rates. However, if US inflation comes in above the 6.5% expected number, then we can prepare for more of a negative market response with US Indices moving lower, USD higher and Gold rolling over to the downside.

This is certainly how we are planning on preparing for tomorrow’s big news event. As always, pay attention to your monetary exposure in each trade. Keep control of your downside risk at all times.

Happy trading!

Which Narrative Wins Out as Markets Await US Inflation Numbers? – Full Video Analysis

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