Massive Selling Due to Higher Than Expected US Inflation

Massive Selling Due to Higher Than Expected US Inflation

Our Urgent Market Update Video is designed to prepare you for the day’s high-probability trading opportunities. Today, we discuss the massive selling due to higher than expected US inflation and advise you where to go from here.

Yesterday, we saw some major selling (risk-off) across all major liquid markets from US Indices to the USD and Gold. The reasons for this anxiety-fuelled selling is down to US CPI numbers coming in slightly above expectations even though headline US CPI is reducing slowly. We mentioned yesterday for those of you in our LiveTradRooms that it’s not just about the initial market reaction but also what is happening in the US treasury yield markets. Both 2yr and 10yr inverted bond yields pushed significantly higher putting the Fed under more pressure to continue its aggressive hawkish approach to rate hikes in the US economy.

The question now becomes: what happens next? For us, our directional expectation is for these markets over the short term to continue lower. This includes the S&P 500, NASDAQ, DOW, EURUSD, NZDUSD and GOLD all lower. This might be compounded if we get higher than expected PPI due out at 1.30 pm later today. Let’s see if these markets move in line with our expectations.

Massive Selling Due to Higher Than Expected US Inflation – Full Video Analysis

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